“testing short quote”
“Over the course of my high school career and college search, I used many different SAT tutors. After switching from tutor to tutor, with marginal success, I found JP. He is hands down the best SAT tutor I had ever encountered, and his simple approach to the test was the best I had ever used…” - Conor B
“The tips, techniques, and strategies that JP offered were infinitely helpful. He was able to pinpoint my strengths and weaknesses from the practice tests, and catered each meeting’s work to address the area where I needed the most improvement. Understanding that everyone’s brain works differently, he catered to my personal learning style. He never showed frustration when I was unable to fully understand a problem or concept; rather, he took as much time as needed to explain why the correct answer was the best option, and how to eliminate the others. I felt incredibly lucky to have been able to work with JP. Thanks to his help, I was able to raise my diagnostic ACT score of 27 to an official test score of 36. I am currently studying Environmental Engineering at Tufts University, and I can confidently say that the skills I learned helped get me to this point and will continue to help me in the future.” -Luke P.
“JP builds a strong and personal connection to his students, and comes off as a friend that is willing to help. He doesn’t force his students to think only one way, but rather works with the client and helps guide him / her to an answer. Because of his flexible teaching style, the SAT is boiled down to a few simple concepts and strategies that any kid of any level can use to increase their score. I increased my score from a 1250 to a 1350 in a matter of two months. Not only did my time with JP help me on the official SAT, but the subject tests as well. My scores would eventually lead me to be accepted by Tufts University, and none of that would be possible without JP.” -Alec P.